
Workshop - 2: 👷 Stream Processing with Amazon Kinesis 🌊

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1. 🌍 Introduction

1.1. Amazon Lambda

Amazon Lambda (AWS Lambda) is a serverless computing service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It enables users to run code without provisioning or managing servers. With AWS Lambda, you can execute your code in response to specific events, such as changes in data, HTTP requests, or system events, while only paying for the actual computing time used. Lambda automatically scales to handle the workload, making it ideal for applications with unpredictable or variable traffic. It supports a variety of programming languages, including Python, Node.js, Java, and more, making it flexible for different types of applications.


1.2. Amazon CloudWatch

Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring and observability service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It allows users to collect, monitor, and analyze metrics, logs, and event data from AWS resources, applications, and services in real-time. With CloudWatch, users can set up alarms to trigger notifications or automatic actions based on specified thresholds, helping to maintain the health and performance of applications. It also offers dashboards for visualizing metrics and logs, making it easier to track system health and troubleshoot issues. CloudWatch supports a wide range of AWS services, enhancing overall cloud infrastructure management and optimization.


1.3. Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams is a fully managed, serverless streaming data service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It enables you to capture, process, and store real-time data streams at any scale. With Kinesis Data Streams, you can collect data from various sources such as application logs, clickstreams, and IoT devices, and process it within seconds to support real-time analytics and decision-making. The service offers automatic scaling to handle varying data volumes and integrates seamlessly with other AWS services, facilitating the development of comprehensive streaming data applications.

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams is a scalable and durable real-time data streaming service provided by AWS. It allows users to continuously capture, process, and store gigabytes of data per second from various sources such as application logs, social media feeds, IoT devices, and financial transactions. Kinesis Data Streams provides real-time data ingestion, enabling users to build custom applications that process or analyze the data in real-time. It offers flexibility with fine-tuned data retention and scaling options, and integrates with other AWS services like Lambda, S3, and Kinesis Data Analytics for advanced stream processing. This service is ideal for scenarios like real-time monitoring, log and event data processing, and analytics at scale.


1.4. Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose

Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose is a fully managed service under AWS Kinesis that makes it easy to load real-time streaming data into data lakes, data warehouses, and analytics services. It automatically captures, transforms, and delivers streaming data to destinations such as Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Elasticsearch Service, and third-party services like Splunk. Kinesis Firehose handles the scaling and delivery of the data streams without requiring users to manage any infrastructure. It also supports data transformation with AWS Lambda before delivery and allows for configurable buffering, making it an ideal solution for near real-time data ingestion and analysis.


2. 📊 Present the problem

3. 🔦 Architecture

Stream Processing with Amazon Kinesis Diagram
  • 📦 Technology and Services:
    • S3
    • Lambda
    • Kinesis Data Streams
    • Kinesis Data Firehose
    • CloudFormation
    • CloudWatch
    • IAM
  • 🔎 Data Flow: Stock data will be randomly generated using Python code acting as producer, then sent to Kinesis Data Streams, Next will be moved to Firehose data stream. Here the data will be transformed using Lambda, and will finally be stored in S3. Activities at Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose will be monitored by Amazon CloudWatch.

4. 📑 Preparation

4.1. Source Code

See source code details here: GitHub - Stream processing with Amazon Kinesis

Download the source code to your local machine with the following command:

git clone
  • model/ - The file contains the StockTrade object definition class containing the following properties: tickerSymbol, tradeType, price, quantity, id. Methods: toJsonAsBytes, fromJsonAsBytes,…
  • model/ - The file contains the class that defines the KinesisStream object with the properties: kinesis_client, streamName and methods: put_record, get_records,… to manipulate Amazon Kinesis through the SDK for Python (Boto3).
  • writer/ - The file contains the class that defines the StockTradeGenerator object, which is responsible for generating data from existing data. More specifically, creating stock transactions. It has a getRandomTrade method, which returns a StockTrade object, a stock trade.
  • writer/ - The file contains the class that defines the StockTradesWriter object, this class defines the sendStockTrade method, which is responsible for sending data to kinesis data streams, acting as a producer.
  • processor/ - The file contains the class that defines the StockTradeReader object, which defines the getStockTrade method, which is responsible for reading data from kinesis data streams, acting as a consumer.
  • processor/StockStatistic - The file contains the class that defines the StockStatistics object, this class is responsible for statistics on collected transactions with the following statistics: Most Popular Stock Count,…
  • lambda/ - The file contains data transformation logic.

4.2. Initialize python virtual environment

Before creating the virtual environment, you need to install Python. If your computer does not have it, please visit to install it. Next you need to download the source code by following the instructions above. Then in the Terminal window, move to the root directory of the source code, specifically the stream-processing-with-amz-kinesis directory.


To create a python virtual environment, run the following command:

python3 -m venv .ws2-venv
You can name the virtual environment any way you want.

Next to activate the virtual environment, run the following command:

source .ws2-venv/bin/activate
A sign that you have successfully activated the virtual environment is that the virtual environment name appears after the folder name.

4.3. Install libraries and dependencies

The requirements.txt file in the source code contains the libraries and dependencies required for this workshop. To install we run the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To check if libraries and dependencies are installed, run the following command:

pip list

If your terminal window appears as above, you have successfully installed.

5. 📡 Setup Infrastructure

5.1. Create and Testing Kinesis Data Streams

5.1.1. Create Kinesis Data Streams

In the search bar, enter the keyword "kinesis" and click to select the kinesis service.


In the Kinesis service console, select Create Data Stream.


In the Data stream name field, fill in StockTradeStream

You can give it any name you want.


In the Data stream capacity section, we fill in 1 in the Provisioned shards field.


Finally, we choose Create data stream to create kinesis data streams.


In the and files, we need to check the following parameters: streamName, region_name, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key. Board

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You need to write down your correct kinesis stream name, write down the correct region name where you are using the service, and finally you need to fill in your AccessKeys, to make sure the stream works.

5.1.2. Demo and Test Kinesis Data Streams

On your local machine, open two terminal windows, then navigate to the root directory (stream-processing-with-amz-kinesis) of the source code, then activate the virtual environment as instructed above. Then move the Stock-Trade-Kinesis folder to both windows with the following command:

cd Stock-Trade-Kinesis


The first Terminal window represents the Producer who is responsible for sending data to Kinesis Data Streams, the second Terminal window represents the Consumer who is responsible for multiplying data from Kinesis Data Streams. To launch, run the following commands on two Terminal window:

python3 -m writer.StockTradesWriter
python3 -m processor.StockTradeReader


Then we press Enter on each window.

We can see data being sent and received in real time, the producer sends immediately the commsumer receives it. That is the main effect of Kinesis Data Streams.

5.2. Create S3 Bucket

In the S3 dashboard, select Create bucket.


In the Bucket name field, fill in stock-trade-stream. then click Create bucket.

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5.3. Create Lambda Function

In the Lambda console, select Create a function


In the Function name field, enter stock-stream-processor. Then we choose Python3.12 for the Runtime type field.

You can name the function as you like.


We choose x86_64 for the Architecture field. Finally, we click Create function.


After creating the Lambda Function. In the Code source section, paste the transform logic code into the code editor, then click deploy to save the changes.


In the Configuration tab, select Edit.


In the timeout section, change it to 3 min then select save.


5.4. Create Kinesis Data Firehose

In the Kinesis Data Firehose console, select Create Firehose Stream.


In the source and destination sections, we select Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon S3 respectively.

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In the Kinesis data stream section, we select the Kinesis data stream created above.


In the Firehose stream name field, we fill in KDS-S3-StockStream and in the Transform source records with AWS Lambda field we select turn on data transform.

You can fill in the name as you like, it is optional.


Then in AWS Lambda Function, we select the lambda function created above.


Next in Destination Settings, we select the S3 bucket that was created earlier. Then turn on New line delimiter. Finally click Create Firehose data stream.

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6. 👷 Run Stream Processing System

Once the infrastructure is ready to go, in the terminal window on your local machine run the following command:

python3 -m writer.StockTradesWriter

This command will launch the producer to start sending data to the kinesis data streams and the data will be transformed by the lambda function and finally stored in the S3 bucket.


To send data from the producer, use the key combination Ctrl + C.

7. 🔎 View Results

7.1. View Logs

In the CloudWatch dashboard, select Logs group.


Then choose aws/lambda/stock-tream-processor.


Continue selecting Log stream.

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As you can see the system is always logged.

7.2. View Output

We move to the bucket used as the destination of the Firehose Stream to harvest the results.


Then we continue to move through the folders 2024/, 10/, 03/,… these folders represent the year, month and day that the result was created. Finally we will see the output file.


We download the file to see the results inside.


After downloading, we will open it to see the results.


8. 🗑 Clean Up

8.1. Delete Lambda Function

In the Amazon Lambda console, navigate to Functions, then select the previously used function and click Delete.


Enter delete to confirm deletion and then click Delete.


8.2. Delete Kinesis Data Firehose

In the Amazon Data Firehose console, select the Firehose streams you created and click delete.


Enter Firehose stream name to confirm deletion, then click Delete.


8.3. Delete Kinesis Data Streams

In the Amazon kinesis streams console, select the created Data streams and click Delete.


Enter delete to confirm deletion and then click Delete.


8.4. Delete S3 Bucket

In the Amazon Lambda console, we navigate to Buckets, then select the previously used bucket. Click Empty to delete the content inside the bucket.


Then enter permanently delete to confirm deletion, then click Empty again to delete the content.


Continue to select that bucket and press Delete.


Enter the bucket name to confirm deletion, then select Delete bucket to delete.


8.5. Delete Log groups

In the Amazon CloudWatch console, navigate to Log groups, then select all Log group. Next click Delete log group(s).


Finally click Delete.
